Gasabo widows acquire houses

Eight Genocide widows in Ngaruyinka area, Gasabo District are set to get houses constructed for them by the Rwanda Defence Force’s Reserve Force in conjunction with the Fund for Support of Genocide Survivors (FARG).

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Eight Genocide widows in Ngaruyinka area, Gasabo District are set to get houses constructed for them by the Rwanda Defence Force’s Reserve Force in conjunction with the Fund for Support of Genocide Survivors (FARG).

Handing over the housing units to the district on Tuesday, Reserve Force Commander Lt. Gen. Fred Ibingira, said the beneficiaries will occupy the houses by mid January when the district will hand them over.

The Mayor of Gasabo District, Willy Ndizeye, commended the Reserve Force for the support, saying it was a good gesture.

Gertilde Mukangwije, one of the beneficiaries, said she was glad because decent shelter was out of reach for her previously.