Kagame honours fallen Armed forces personnel

President Paul Kagame yesterday paid special tribute to soldiers and police personnel who died while on duty in 2013 and referred to them as “patriots whose legacy will live on.”The homage is contained in the President and Commander-in-Chief’s season’s greetings to the Armed forces.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

President Paul Kagame yesterday paid special tribute to soldiers and police personnel who died while on duty in 2013 and referred to them as "patriots whose legacy will live on.”The homage is contained in the President and Commander-in-Chief’s season’s greetings to the Armed forces."Their sacrifices were not in vain; they will be remembered and emulated by new generations of patriots,” he said in the message released yesterday."Serving just causes far from home, saving other people’s lives beyond our borders, remind us of who we are as a people. It enshrines the lessons we learned from our own history, and reinforces our sense of purpose and direction.”President Kagame also commended servicemen and women and Police officers serving in foreign missions for their consistent record of professionalism, discipline and resilience in addressing regional and global security challenges."Many of you are not able to be with your families and friends during this festive season. Yet, thanks to your selfless service, many vulnerable families are able to survive the flames of violence and persecution. It is that commitment which makes Rwanda’s Defence and Police forces stand out among the most reliable partners for global peace and security,” he said.Rwanda is the sixth biggest troop contributing country in the world, with troops in five missions abroad.  RDF has 3,212 officers in AU/UN Hybrid mission in Darfur known as Unamid. RDF also maintains 850 officers and an aviation unit with 119 air force personnel in South Sudan. RDF currently deploys  82 military observers. The force lost seven officers and men  in foreign missions in 2013. More than 500 Police officers are on missions overseas.The Commander in Chief of the armed forces said 2013 has been yet another time of distinguished service to the people of Rwanda.He praised the Armed forces for defending the sovereignty of the country and ensuring the safety of its people."Each of you servicemen and women effectively contributed, through your collective work, to delivering the peace and safety Rwandans, residents and foreign guests have continued to enjoy within our national borders. The people of Rwanda are grateful for your selfless service, sacrifices and continued commitment,” reads the message.He cited initiatives such as Army Week and anti-Gender-Based Violence programmes that "provided a meaningful input toward achieving national development goals.”Kagame urged the forces to maintain and improve the standards of professionalism, discipline and patriotism they demonstrated in 2013. The 2013 Global States of Mind: New Metrics for World Leaders report ranks Rwanda as the safest country to live in Africa. Click here for  full statement