Advise farmers on appropriate crops

Editor, The low prices are a product of the market’s supply-and-demand function and cannot be helped, except perhaps, through unsustainable and undesirable producer price support programmes (which shift the burden on tax-payers and the consumer).

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Editor, The low prices are a product of the market’s supply-and-demand function and cannot be helped, except perhaps, through unsustainable and undesirable producer price support programmes (which shift the burden on tax-payers and the consumer).But who advised these Muhanga farmers to opt for rice growing in an unsuited climate on unsuitable soils? Why couldn’t the farmers be advised and helped to grow crops that are more appropriate for this kind of soil in this kind of climate, or even find more productive uses for the land beyond agriculture?Mwene Kalinda, KigaliReaction to the story, "Poor soils, low prices demoralise Muhanga rice farmers” (The New Times, December 10)