Rwanda peacekeepers in Haiti donate to orphans

The Rwanda police peacekeeping contingent in Haiti on Christmas Eve donated an assortment of foodstuff to orphans at Perpetuel Secours orphanage Centre in Jeremie, in their area of operation.

Friday, December 27, 2013
Rwanda Police peacekeepers in Haiti pose with orphans at Perpetuel Secours orphanage Centre in Jeremie on Christmas Eve after donating items. The New Times/ Courtesy

The Rwanda police peacekeeping contingent in Haiti on Christmas Eve donated an assortment of foodstuff to orphans at Perpetuel Secours orphanage Centre in Jeremie, in their area of operation.The forces, who are part of the Formed Police Unit serving under the United Nations Stabilisation for Haiti, donated to the orphans groceries including rice, soap, cooking oil, playing balls, eggs, sugar, beans, cassava flour, salt and water.According to a Police statement, the assorted groceries were bought out of the financial contribution of each of the Rwanda police officers serving in the Caribbean nation.CSP Peter Hodari, the contingent commander, handed over the commodities, which were received by Eliane Mosi Moussignac, the founder of the orphanage.Mosi expressed gratitude for the RWAPFU’s outreach adding that "it will enable these vulnerable children to have special celebration on Christmas Day and New Year.”The centre, established in 2006, is home to about 400 orphans.It was created to help vulnerable children, especially orphans, to acquire basic necessities like shelter and free education.Hodari said the reason for the donation was aimed at sharing "Christmas with the vulnerable children.”"We saw a need, and as it’s a norm among Rwandans, we reached out to help and give these children hope and joy and celebrate with them this festive season,” CSP Hodari said.The ceremony was also attended by the Rwandan peacekeepers in Haiti.CSP Hodari urged officers to maintain this voluntary culture of humanitarian activities as dignified Rwandans."The role played by the Rwandan peacekeepers in Haiti goes beyond its mandate of helping Haitian National Police to ensure the safety of the people, but also to support people’s welfare, enhance development through maintaining infrastructure and environmental protection,” reads a Police statement.