UN in South Sudan denies report of mass grave

The United Nations mission in South Sudan has denied a report of a mass grave that was issued by the office of a UN Commissioner for Human Rights.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013
UNMISS said it is still deeply concerned about extrajudicial killings and that it is investigating reports. Net photo.

The United Nations mission in South Sudan has denied a report of a mass grave that was issued by the office of a UN Commissioner for Human Rights.

The Berlin office of Navi Pillay on Tuesday said a grave of 75 bodies was found in Bentiu, Unity State. Later the office revised that figure to 34 bodies and 75 people feared missing.

The UN mission in South Sudan said on Wednesday that the report was an inflation of a "skirmish” that killed 15 people. UNMISS said it is still deeply concerned about extrajudicial killings and is investigating those reports.

Ethiopia Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom told The Associated Press news agency that the leaders of six East African countries will travel to South Sudan on Thursday to try to advance peace talks and end 10 days of violence.
