Over 1,000 graduate from Iwawa

Graduates of Iwawa Rehabilitation and Vocational Skills Development Centre have pledged to work hard to contribute to national development.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Some of the Iwawa centre graduates during the ceremony on Monday. The New Times/ Courtesy.

Graduates of Iwawa Rehabilitation and Vocational Skills Development Centre have pledged to work hard to contribute to national development.A total of 1,113 youths, mostly former drug and alcohol addicts, were passed out by the institution after a year of rehabilitation and vocational training at the centre that is based on Iwawa Island on Lake Kivu, Rutsiro DistrictSome 732 graduates received certificates in construction, 261 in carpentry, while 120 were trained in tailoring.This was Iwawa Rehabilitation and Vocational Skills Development Centre’s fifth graduation.The young graduates said they learnt a lot and are able to contribute to the country’s development; they disclosed also that they stopped all bad habits like drug abuse.James Safari emerged the best performer. In an interview, he gave an account of how his life has been transformed during the one year he has been at the centre."I was addicted to drugs, had abandoned school and life was bleak but after one year at Iwawa, I have got my life back on track and ready to contribute to my country’s development,” Safari said, adding that he intends to start his own small business instead of looking for a job.The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Youth and ICT, Rosemary Mbabazi, who officiated at the pass-out ceremony, urged the graduates to be agents of transformation in society. Mbabazi said the skills they had acquired should be the foundation for their future."We hope you will work hard and be our ambassadors in the war against drug abuse, especially among the youth; this is a contribution we expect from you after your training at the centre,” Mbabazi said.The government established the rehabilitation and vocational skills development centre in 2010 to give street children the chance to forge better life.Besides vocational training, the centre also promotes sports and culture.