New funding will enhance agriculture

Editor,Reference is made to the article, “House gives go-ahead for US$130m loan”, published in the Sunday Times on December 22.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Editor,Reference is made to the article, "House gives go-ahead for US$130m loan”, published in the Sunday Times on December 22.I congratulate the Members of Parliament for authorising the ratification of loan and grant agreements totaling to US$132,900,311 (around Rwf89 billion) from various development partners, including the Export-Import Bank of India.Judicious use of credit will surely enhance Rwanda’s economic growth.We appreciate the initiative taken by the Export-Import Bank of India in offering credit of US$120,050,000 for export targeted modern irrigation agricultural projects in the country.This facility will enable Rwanda’s agricultural sector to boost production and increase exports, thereby earning valuable foreign exchange for the country.  The increased foreign exchange earnings will not only enable Rwanda to effectively service the loans to the Export-Import Bank of India and other funding agencies , but will also result in an increase of the foreign exchange reserves of the country.Wishing Rwanda and her people a blessed Christmas and continued growth and success in the New Year 2014!Clarence Fernandes, Mumbai, India