Tell Chaka...

Hello little children, I hope you are enjoying your holidays. In today’s discussion, we are going to focus on the foods we like eating but which can sometimes prove harmful for our health.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hello little children, I hope you are enjoying your holidays. In today’s discussion, we are going to focus on the foods we like eating but which can sometimes prove harmful for our health.

In line with our topic, I was told by a number of children that you like mostly sweet things and these include sweets, chocolates and biscuits to mention a few.

Chocolates and other sweet things indeed taste very good but they can be dangerous to our health if we eat too much of them. 

An example is if we eat too many sweets, they can make our teeth decay. It is always good to protect our teeth by eating fewer sweets.

It is also important to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Brushing our teeth helps to remove the remaining particles of sweets, which are stuck between our teeth.

Brushing our teeth is also hygienic. If kept clean, our teeth are free from diseases, which come as a result of unclean teeth.

This holiday season, the chances of eating many sweets are high. When you go to visit people and you are given sweets or chocolates, make sure that you eat only a few of them and save the rest for later.
