Have DR Congo refugees been forgotten?

The UN created a hype that it was going against rebel groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) after its success against the M23. Nothing much has come out of it. The UN force is silent save for the wails of anguish by Congolese victims that have failed to raise the type of response from the international community that this region tends to create. Their cries have fallen to deaf ears. By now, one would have expected to see the beginning of a mass exodus of Congolese refugees trekking back to their homes, but instead, new refugee camps are being built in Rwanda,. What is most ironic, the UN is helping set up the camp!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The UN created a hype that it was going against rebel groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) after its success against the M23. Nothing much has come out of it.

The UN force is silent save for the wails of anguish by Congolese victims that have failed to raise the type of response from the international community that this region tends to create. Their cries have fallen to deaf ears.

By now, one would have expected to see the beginning of a mass exodus of Congolese refugees trekking back to their homes, but instead, new refugee camps are being built in Rwanda,. What is most ironic, the UN is helping set up the camp!

Now with the new crises in Central African Republic (CAR) and South Sudan, expect to see the Congolese issue swept under the carpet. That is the way of the international humanitarian response; they follow the cameras.

The DRC is no longer "fashionable”.

So the refugees in the five camps in Rwanda had better brace up for another lengthy stay because the attention has shifted elsewhere, unless of course, regional countries make this issue their own and make the repatriation of the refugees their priority.