At the Children’s Extravaganza

The New Times spoke to 6-year-old Mercy Kanyana who recounted her time spent at the Children’s Extravaganza last year. Here is her story.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The New Times spoke to 6-year-old Mercy Kanyana who recounted her time spent at the Children’s Extravaganza last year. Here is her story.

My name is Mercy Kanyana and I want to tell a story about my experience last year at the children’s extravaganza at my church in Nyarutarama.

I remember it was holiday time and I was sitting at home very bored. I had played with my all my dolls until I was tired. I had also watched all the cartoons on television.

I then went to the compound to skip with my rope. I skipped and skipped and I got tired. Mom and dad had gone to work.

I was with Tante Nana, the caretaker at home.
"Mercy, Mercy whe!” I heard Tante Nana call me from inside the house.

"Where are you?” I ran inside to see what she wanted me to do.

"Can you get ready now? Tamara is coming with her mom to take you to the children’s extravaganza.”

"The children’s ex&%! What?” I asked again.

"Ex-tra-va-ga-nza!” Tante Nana slowly replied.

After a short while Tamara and her mom came. We drove to a church called Christian Life Assembly. There were so many children outside running up and down, others standing but everyone looked happy and cheerful.

Tamara’s mom said she would come and pick us up later. She told us to enjoy the day and left. After playing, every child went back inside and we sung songs and danced. I learnt a lot of new Christian songs and Bible stories.

During break time, we had many nice things to eat. Wow! Everything looked tasty and I ate until I could eat no more.
At the children’s extravaganza, I did not know I could have so much fun. We participated in many activities like crafts, colouring and games.

I made many new friends. I learnt many good things like how to forgive others, how to be obedient to our parents and teachers and how to pray. I went back for all the remaining days and on the last day, I promised to attend the one for the next year.

This is my story from last year. Next week, I will be going for this year’s children’s extravaganza again! I wish all the children in Kigali would also come and have fun.
