Responsibilities of the King’s child

If you are a Christian, you belong to the King of kings. Can you say a verse that tells us you are part of God’s kingdom? (Read Colossians 1:13).

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

If you are a Christian, you belong to the King of kings. Can you say a verse that tells us you are part of God’s kingdom? (Read Colossians 1:13).

Princes and princesses are expected to look and behave like children of the king and God expects you to behave like His child.

You are to be different from those who live in the kingdom of darkness. People will know you are different by your words, your actions and your obedience.

Honour God with your Words

What would you think if you met a prince or princess who said bad things about the king and queen? Would they be helping you love and respect the king?

When people hear you talk, I wonder if you sound like a child of the King of kings. Are your words kind and helpful? Are your words always truthful?

God’s children must never use dirty words or words that hurt other people (Psalms 34:13).

Because you are a child of God, the way you say His name must be respectful. Calling out "Oh God!” or "My God!” does not treat God like a King. Just calling His name like a swear word does not honour our King.

One of God’s commandments says, "Do not take the name of the Lord in vain.”

This means do not use God’s name in ways that do not honour Him. You can use God’s name to honour Him by praising Him, thanking Him and telling others about Him. Next week we shall see how we can honour God with our Actions.

Adopted from Teach Kids magazine