If you can’t invest your money, save it

Editor, I am not a financial expert and my opinion is not about savings. I compare saving as going to school, studying hard, getting good marks, and finally landing a good job.

Thursday, December 19, 2013
Finance Minister Claver Gatete (R) with Gender and Family Promotion Minister Oda Gasinzigwa at the launch of the National Financial Education Strategy on Wednesday. The New Times/John Mbanda


Refer to the story "Minister Gatete urges public to step-up saving” (The New Times, December 19).

I am not a financial expert and my opinion is not about savings. I compare saving as going to school, studying hard, getting good marks, and finally landing a good job.

I can’t advise someone to save their money in long-term deposit, except if you are a shareholder in the bank in which you are keeping your money.

Keeping the money in the bank is for the bank’s benefit and not for small savers. But if you don’t know what to do with your money, then save it.

Peter, Kigali  


Finance minister Amb. Claver Gatete reportedly said: "Women should save more because they take care of the family.”

Seriously, I don’t know how this discriminatory statement will help the public to step-up savings. That’s to imply that men are not taking care of their families! I think the habit of saving should be taught to all Rwandans, irrespective of their age, gender etc.

Kalisa, Kigali