One-on-one with King James

King James, born James Ruhumuriza in 1990, in Nyamirambo, Nyarugenge District says the road to his dreams was highlighted when he emerged winner at last year’s Primus Guma Guma Superstar competition.

Thursday, December 19, 2013
Last yearu2019s winner of Primus Guma Guma, King James, strikes a pose. The New Times/File

King James, born James Ruhumuriza in 1990, in Nyamirambo, Nyarugenge District says the road to his dreams was highlighted when he emerged winner at last year’s Primus Guma Guma Superstar competition.

He has written over 50 songs and performed in several countries, including Belgium, France and Switzerland. He is working on his fourth album to be launched next year in March. Seraphine Habimana had a chat with him. 

What’s your childhood nickname?

Well, I never had a nickname. When I was a child, my friends called me James. 

What’s your childhood dream?

My dream was to become a businessman. 

What makes you cry?

I cry when I see someone in need ignored by society. However, what makes me cry the most is when people do injustice to others. 

What do you like in a lady?

(Laughs). A girl who is social and humble.  But she must be light-skinned, tall, with long hair and God fearing. 

When was the first time you traveled by plane and what was the experience like?

It was in 2012 when I traveled to Cyangugu. I was so eager to sit in a plane. I thought I would vomit but nothing happened.

What is your favourite food?

All those sugary things are my favourite, I cannot lie, and I adore chocolate! Besides this, I like sweet potatoes, fries, and chicken, among others. I don’t like  beans and some vegetables. I like drinking everything non-alcoholic like passion juice and soda, I have never taken alcohol, and I do not think I will ever try it.

What is your typical morning like?

Usually I do not wake up early. I wake up between 8 and 10 am. When I get up, I pray for at least 30 minutes, I take  a shower, and then take breakfast. When I don’t have things to do, I watch movies. I like romantic and action movies.

Who do you live with?

I still live with my family; I live with my mother, sisters and brothers.

Women want to know if you are seeing someone?

(Laughs…).  I am single. I prefer not to talk about this.