What is holding back sustainable waste management?

Kigali prides itself as one of the cleanest cities with hardly any litter in sight; therefore it came as a bit of surprise to learn that only 25 per cent of solid waste generated in Kigali arrives at the designated dump site.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Kigali prides itself as one of the cleanest cities with hardly any litter in sight; therefore it came as a bit of surprise to learn that only 25 per cent of solid waste generated in Kigali arrives at the designated dump site.Going by the just-released report by Rwanda Environmental Management Authority (REMA) on the state of the waste management, it’s somewhat incredible as there is no sign of roadside mounds of garbage or in neighbourhoods, a permanent feature in many African countries.So, where does the missing waste end up? The recycling industry is quasi non-existent, an issue that REMA and its partners need to address urgently, especially now that electronic waste has made its entry into what was previously a perilous sector.REMA has in the past shown little tolerance for any kind of pollution.When did it let down its guard that people have the audacity to dump garbage in rivers and water bodies? What about local leaders; have they left waste management and cleanliness to the monthly community work? Another question the City of Kigali and REMA need to answer; what befell the much touted industrial incinerator that should have been up and running by now? We cannot continue to rely on landfills, especially in populated areas due to the potential health hazards, so, whatever is holding back the incinerator project should be dealt with.And for those who flout dumping guidelines, the law should give no quarter because the population’s health should not be held hostage by a few inconsiderate individuals.