Over 200 graduate from Inilak

A TOTAL of 220 students have graduated with Bachelor’s Degrees in various disciplines in a ceremony held at the Independent Institute of Lay Adventists of Kigali (INILAK), Nyanza Campus.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Some of the graduates after the confermement of the degrees. The New Times/ Bucyensenge.

A TOTAL of 220 students have graduated with Bachelor’s Degrees in various disciplines in a ceremony held at the Independent Institute of Lay Adventists of Kigali (INILAK), Nyanza Campus.Inilak is a privately-owned higher learning institution established in 1997 by AFADER, an Adventist Parents’ Federation for the Development of Education in Rwanda.The Institute has three campuses–Kigali, Nyanza and Rwamagana. The students attained  degrees in rural development, law and economic sciences, and management.The Southern Province Governor, Alphonse Munyantwari, told the fresh graduates that the country awaits their contribution in its development.He told them that higher education is critical to the nation’s socio-economic transformation, and urged them to put the acquired skills to good use for the benefit of the entire Rwandan community."You have acquired a lot of skills and you should utilise them for the benefit of the nation,” Munyantwari said.He also urged them to be disciplined and uphold the Rwandan values.Edouard Kalisa, who graduated in Finance, said he was excited for having completed the programme.He vowed to use the skills and knowledge he attained to benefit the community.Kalisa said they would dedicate their efforts to creating new jobs which will benefit the community."Thanks to the skills we have acquired, some of us have become entrepreneurs even before graduation,” Kalisa, who spoke on behalf of the graduates, said.He said they had been "equipped with practical skills” which will enable them to play a significant role in nation building.Inilak rector Dr Jean Ngamije said they will continue to champion quality education.