Humility should be a leaders’ guiding principle

During the last weekend’s Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) congress, President Paul Kagame commended the country’s achievements that are spearheaded by the party.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

During the last weekend’s Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) congress, President Paul Kagame commended the country’s achievements that are spearheaded by the party.The party has been the engine of the government ever since it came into power in 1994, and it was only logical that he gives praise where it is due but also admonish shortfalls by party officials.The RPF chairman said the country had prevailed in the face of adversity because of the collective efforts of its people and no one had the right to claim sole credit. The lesson here was humility.Some officials tend to hog the limelight and tend to cling to the pedestal and forget that they owe the positions they hold to much more than their own wit or prowess.Many a politician’s fall has been due to their losing touch with the reality of leadership, that the people they serve should be the focus and not the chair they occupy.They become little kings in their Utopian kingdoms and it becomes their outfall.One of this country’s raw strength is its intolerance to abuse of power; there are no sacred cows in its top leadership as the RPF never hesitates to crack the whip when it is necessary. This is what makes the country’s institutions credible and able to deliver.