Nzeyimana’s 5 tips to make it on radio and TV

Many young people  dream of becoming recognised radio or television personalities, but only a few know what it takes to become a good radio presenter or TV anchor.

Monday, December 16, 2013
Luckman Nzeyimana. The New Times / S.Kwihangana.

Many young people  dream of becoming recognised radio or television personalities, but only a few know what it takes to become a good radio presenter or TV anchor. The host of Gari ya Moshi, an evening programme on Inshuti ya Bose (City radio), and also Show Time TV presenter Luckman Nzeyimana gives a few tips on how to achieve that dream. Good voice and good faceYou need to have a good voice on radio because that is what people want to hear. To report on radio it’s kind of tricky because your voice matters in this field. You also need to be articulate.As for the television, one has to have a good looks and style. No one wants to be terrified by their own TV. They will simply switch to another channel (if they have the option). You have to be telegenic.Good inter-personal skillsYou must have contacts on TV and radio. And the only way to get them is when you have what I call ‘killer’ people skills. You have to be down to earth, cool and sociable. This will help you to be connected to people who matter in this industry.Be objective, no biasYou have to learn to be a pro-people person. When profiling people, you don’t look at their political side, sex, tribe or region. Be neutral and just air out neutral news. Have good writing skillsThis is funny, but true. To be a good TV or radio presenter, you must have your literature right. Though being a good talker is crucial, being a strong writer is not far behind.It is also important to prepare and practice what you are going to say on air to avoid any possible mistakes and boring the listeners or viewers.Have humourIf you are the kind person who loves to sleep after classes at 4:00pm, then the life of a TV and radio presenter is not meant for you. Be flexible and learn to even work late because you just might be given two shows, in the day and another in the night.Also, to get people hooked onto your shows, you have to be witty, funny and all. Listeners and viewers are bored and need to be entertained. Do it! It’s your job!”