Information ‘tsunami’ presents enormous challenges

Editor,Reference is made to Kenneth Agutamba’s article, “News literacy is way to survive raging info ‘tsunami”, published in the Sunday Times on December 14.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Editor,Reference is made to Kenneth Agutamba’s article, "News literacy is way to survive raging info ‘tsunami”, published in the Sunday Times on December 14.Finally someone has taken the courage to talk about "information tsunami”. It has for sure left any news reader or information seeker more confused than he was before taking the risk to know! The problem has been identified and the question is how are you going to tackle that for most news readers have no capacity to differentiate truth from wrong or the other way!Internet has only been here a few years ago and this is how ugly it has left journalism. My fear is how critical is it going to be in 50 years or more to come, and that should be any one’s concern – especially the journalist comrades.Jude Kabagambe, Tokyo Japan