Electogaz, please do something about water in Kimisagara

Dear editor, I totally believe that this is dry season and may be most of the water sources are dry. However, I want to remind Electrogaz, the body that is in-charge of supplying of water in the country, that people need water to cook and drink.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Dear editor,

I totally believe that this is dry season and may be most of the water sources are dry. However, I want to remind Electrogaz, the body that is in-charge of supplying of water in the country, that people need water to cook and drink.

I live in Kimisagara but for sure, we spend more than three weeks without water. Now if some one has to go to work every day and get a shower at least a day, do you think there could be water to sustain this and cook food for the same person?

We surely want Elecrogaz to consider Kimisagara and Nyakabanda for they are badly hit by water scarcity. At least let us get water once or twice a week. This should be part of your goals and I have no doubt that if you cared a lot the problem would end.
