Rwanda marks Philosophy Day

Philosophes and  ‘friends of philosophy’ on Thursday gathered at the Huye-based Nile Source Polytechnic of Applied Arts (NSPA) to celebrate the annual World Philosophy Day.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Philosophes and  ‘friends of philosophy’ on Thursday gathered at the Huye-based Nile Source Polytechnic of Applied Arts (NSPA) to celebrate the annual World Philosophy Day.The Day, held on the third Thursday of November, was established by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) in 2005 to recorgnise the importance of philosophy in the development of human thought.The Day was held under the theme: "Inclusive Societies, Sustainable Planet”. However, in Rwanda, emphasis was put  on the importance of philosophy in education.Jerome Kajuga, the Director of culture, social and human sciences at the Rwanda National Commission for Unesco, said the day is an occasion for philosophers to share ideas that can transform people’s lives.Dr Isaie Nzeyimana, the NSPA rector and a member of the Rwanda Philosophy Association, a national philosophers’ body, said philosophy makes human beings who they are and contributes to development.He said philosophy is present in whatever humans do.  "Societies and philosophy are inseparable,” Nzeyimana said.He said through their umbrella organisation, the local philosophers were working towards promoting the use of philosophy for the transformation of society.