Miners urged to increase production

MINERS in Nyamasheke District, Western Province have been urged to embrace modern practices and work hard to increase production in the sector.

Friday, December 13, 2013

MINERS in Nyamasheke District, Western Province have been urged to embrace modern practices and work hard to increase production in the sector.The call was made on Wednesday by State minister for Mining Eng. Evode Imena while touring various mining concessions in the district.The visit aimed at discussing with miners here about the state of the industry in the district and how to address challenges facing them.Imena said the mining sector in the district and across the country continues to grow, but called for more effort to consolidate the gains.He said Rwanda targets to generate at least $400 million from the sector annually in the next four to five years, noting that for that target to be achieved, there was need for continued dedication, commitment and skills development among miners.Last year, the mining sector generated $136.6m (about Rwf86.7b), according to available figures.Rwanda has a vast mineral potential, Imena said urging miners to be dedicated to the development of the sector and thus make it much more profitable for themselves and the entire nation.He also called for the promotion of sustainable, standardised and formalised mining activities that do not endanger their workers and the environment."We must put in more efforts to modernise our mining industry as a way of ensuring that we exploit these resources efficiently,” Imena said.The head of the mining association in the Western Province, Jean Marie Faida, said they will continue to train miners on best and professional practices, which he said will help increase productivity.Nyamasheke District mayor Jean Baptiste Habyarimana said mining has contributed a lot to uplifting the lives of residents in the district."So many have got employment in this sector and are using proceeds from their activities to improve their welfare,” Habyarimana said.