Youth entrepreneurs win cash prizes

Thirty young people have been rewarded by the Ministry of Youth and ICT for their innovations during the National Youth Connect Convention that ended at Petit Stade in Remera on Thursday.

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Thirty young people have been rewarded by the Ministry of Youth and ICT for their innovations during the National Youth Connect Convention that ended at Petit Stade in Remera on Thursday.

The convention was also supported by One UN, Imbuto Foundation and DOT Rwanda.

Cephas Nshimyumuremyi,a science teacher from Musanze District who founded Uburanga Products Limited, a white oil jelly producing company, was best innovator winning a cash prize of Rwf 3 million and a BlackBerry phone.

Jean-Bosco Bizimana, the founder of Paravita Company Ltd, a grain milling company, received Rwf 2 million and a phone. Thaddée Muhirwa, founder of Muvava Power Form in Ngororero District emerged third, taking home Rwf 1million and phone.

"I am really glad to be the best; and this really encourages me to work even harder and the money I have received will actually help me to further invest in my business as I continue looking around for more funds,” said Nshimyumuremyi.

The best three received the above prizes in addition to the Rwf 500,000 and a certificate that was given to all the 30 youth entrepreneurs selected from the 90 contestants countrywide.

Before the award convention, the 90 youth went for a two-day boot camp at Rwanda Red Cross headquarters in Kacyiru where they underwent intensive training in business skills. The training focused on basic skills and marketing. DOT Rwanda in collaboration with Technoserve organised the training.

ICT minister Jean-Philbert Nsengimana, hailed the commitment and hard work demonstrated by the winners, calling upon other youth to ‘borrow a leaf’.

"For those youth particularly working hard to contribute towards the economic development of this country, I am really grateful and I appreciate that spirit; but this should involve all of you (youth),” Nsengimana said.

He challenged the youth to make good use of the available opportunities to engage in income generating activities to economically improve their welfare.