Karenzi arrest is a mere wish

Dear editor,The claim that major general Karenzi Karake, the deputy commander of AU/UN hybrid force in Darfur has criminal cases to answer is only mere wish of his enemies.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Dear editor,
The claim that major general Karenzi Karake, the deputy commander of AU/UN hybrid force in Darfur has criminal cases to answer is only mere wish of his enemies.

And, his enemies are the people he and others, stopped to continue killing innocent Rwandans.

It is good to know that even the UN has rejected their malicious calls after learning that their claims are baseless.

The general should concentrate on his duties today, of keeping peace in Darfur and in any other nation that will need his noble services.

Shame on all those who hate peace-keepers like Karenzi, for they are doomed.