Bashir will not be arrested

Dear editor,I do not see anybody arresting the rich Bashir-President of the Sudan.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Dear editor,
I do not see anybody arresting the rich Bashir-President of the Sudan.

Leave alone the fact that he is a petroleum rich president; he is also, supported by big nations like China and Russia.

The two nations have much to gain under the leadership of Bashir, in economic terms. They are the big importers of his riches and strong economic partners-and they cannot thus let him down.

This is what I see too, as making the conflict in Darfur complex-the strong ties of Bashir and the two nations.

Arresting him therefore, will only remain on paper and if there are people suffering because he is the head of the state, they should be ready for a long ‘endurance’.