Kenya gov’t bails out troubled Cecafa

THE Kenyan government has come in to save the day for Cecafa with 41 Million shillings (Rwf. 322million) boost that will go a long way in clearing outstanding hotel bills and settle other logistics surrounding the region’s biggest tournament. 

Saturday, December 07, 2013

THE Kenyan government has come in to save the day for Cecafa with 41 Million shillings (Rwf. 322million) boost that will go a long way in clearing outstanding hotel bills and settle other logistics surrounding the region’s biggest tournament. 

Host Federation FKF had raised a red flag over the piling pressure due to a 50 Million shillings deficit that was needed to ensure the tournament ended successfully.  This comes even as embarrassing news of some teams having been detained in hotels over unpaid allowances dominated Friday news in Nairobi. 

The Kenyan government has therefore strongly warned that all the participating teams should not be inconvenienced again for such non-payment.  The letter, a copy of which has been hand delivered to Cecafa by the FKF President Mr. Sam Nyamweya is addressed to the Managing Director of Liberty Group. 

A letter from the ministry dated December 6th and signed by the Principal Secretary Mr. Patrick Omutia read in part, "This is to inform you that we have received the request from FKF to assist in settling these bills.”  "We undertake to do the same immediately we identify funds within our books, "reads part of the letter from the Kenyan Ministry of Sports, Culture and Arts.

According to a statement released by Cecafa secretariat, "The Kenyan government will pay KShs. 41,386,026 (Rwf. 322,028,773) in total. Of this, KShs 8,643,026 goes towards air tickets and the balance will cover accommodation costs in six hotels of West Breeze (1,836,000), Strand (3,672,000), Mvuli (2,808,000), Hill Park (14,145,600), Sandton (2,937,400) and Milele (7,344,000).”