Sweden launches new trade facilitation training center in Africa

Sweden announced on Tuesday the launch of a new training center to support trade facilitation in Tanzania in a press conference during the 9th World Trade Organization ministerial meeting in Bali, Indonesia. According to the announcement, the Swedish government will provide an initial grant of 1.6 million U.S. dollars to the center per-year for 2014-2015.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Sweden announced on Tuesday the launch of a new training center to support trade facilitation in Tanzania in a press conference during the 9th World Trade Organization ministerial meeting in Bali, Indonesia. According to the announcement, the Swedish government will provide an initial grant of 1.6 million U.S. dollars to the center per-year for 2014-2015.The center will provide training for participants from Africa, with a special focus on least-developed countries (LDCs). It will support participating countries in implementing a future WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, which aims to reduce bottlenecks and improve procedures for the flow of goods across borders.It will also provide a platform for African government officials and customs officers to exchange experiences. "The Trade Facilitation Agreement represents huge potential gains for developing countries. The facility will help African countries unlock this potential,” said Swedish Minister for Trade Ewa Bjorling.WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo said that "Trade facilitation is an indispensable and necessary step to helping LDCs to integrate into the global economy”, adding that "through this facility, the governments of Sweden and Tanzania will ensure that least-developed countries receive training and capacity- building in this area”.