Swindling donations to Genocide cause too ‘unRwandan’

AT A time leaders are pushing for the country to embrace the Ndi Umunyarwanda spirit of nationhood, at a time when this same nation is preparing to mark 20 years since the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi etched a gory landmark in this beautiful country’s history, villains have other ideas.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

AT A time leaders are pushing for the country to embrace the Ndi Umunyarwanda spirit of nationhood, at a time when this same nation is preparing to mark 20 years since the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi etched a gory landmark in this beautiful country’s history, villains have other ideas.But there is no fate as terrible as stealing from the bereaved, and as demeaning for humanity as swindling funds and other donations meant for the cause that is the Genocide.Appearing before Parliament, on Wednesday, the Executive Secretary of the National Commission for the Fight against Genocide, Jean de Dieu Mucyo, said he had suspicions after a donation made in his presence ‘vanished.’ Several such whispers about funds at Genocide memorial centres vanishing have been passing around.Although Parliament has called for investigations into these allegations, the sanctity of our nation has been defiled. This is not to say we are passing judgement before a probe is complete. No. We are concerned that for a nation that has driven on the back of a colt called patriotism for the last 19 years to arise from the ashes of the Genocide to be painted by such ‘whispers’ alone means so much to our dignity. We must stand up against such elements. The dignity of the nation and, above all, of the more than a million people killed in pogrom cannot be dragged into such disgraceful deeds of a few unscrupulous and greedy persons.With the Ndi Umunyarwanda spirit, let us stand up against such people. We must be vigilante and ensure our dignity cannot be defiled where it hurts most in such a manner. The culprits must know that their deed is too unRwandan. No amount of greed should let you dip your finger into a casket for such donations.The Police and all concerned authorities must do their best to not only bring culprits to book but also seal loopholes that give such elements these disgraceful ideas.