Walk your career dream the Umuhoza way

Your career could make the difference between your livelihood and future, never mind that the two are closely intertwined. But in a world where colonial mentality brainwashed the lot of the young generation into believing technical and vocational education is “soiling hands,” Sandrine Umohoza’s story cut the yoke of attitude as the biggest burden to career goals.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Your career could make the difference between your livelihood and future, never mind that the two are closely intertwined. But in a world where colonial mentality brainwashed the lot of the young generation into believing technical and vocational education is "soiling hands,” Sandrine Umohoza’s story cut the yoke of attitude as the biggest burden to career goals.The colonial system has made many a youth grow up to believe the white collar job is the definition of a career. Few ever bother to think like Umuhoza, who, at just 25 and with a chance to pursue other courses that could lead her into the air-conditioned office, chose carpentry.At Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centre in Kicukiro, you will find Umuhoza clad in overalls and dusting wood. With each shrivel of the wood; driving of a nail or dusting a board, she makes money that sustains her mother and two siblings. She is not worried about the future as the carpentry is paving the way. How about you?The third Technical and Vocational Education Training expo opened in Kigali, yesterday. Whereas it is being billed as a promotion of technical training, the expo is the perfect opportunity for the youth to see firsthand the many outstanding contributions of hands-on skills to socio-economic prosperity of individuals, society and the nation.With a cast featuring both regional and international exhibitors, this is an opportunity for the youth to learn how and why to shake off the yoke of attitude and realign their career goals for that dream future.Umuhoza might be rubbing sand paper on rough wood to make those immaculate sofas today, but tomorrow she could be the boss employing a dozen other technically astute citizens at her workshop.Of course, not all technical and vocational jobs will demand that you first soil your hands before you kiss the prince. The real deal is in the ideal; with hands-on skills, the world is at your fingertip. No one can deny you that.