Howto: Look after the elderly

Social worker Diana Muteteri expalins that in the life span of a mortal being, old age is the last stage of human life where a human being turns physically and emotionally weak and it’s the time when we need a lot of our care and support.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Social worker Diana Muteteri expalins that in the life span of a mortal being, old age is the last stage of human life where a human being turns physically and emotionally weak and it’s the time when we need a lot of our care and support.

"I want to emphasise emotional care,” she said.

Find time

Take a little time out of your busy schedule to show your elderly loved ones how much they mean to you.


Showing compassion towards our elders will cheer them up. If we try to recognise their dilemma and situation, we should also be able to help them in some way. Just ignoring them and taking them for granted is definitely not the right path.


Older people need somebody to speak to. Pay attention to listen to what they are saying and be ready to respond to them in a positive manner instead of disregarding whatever they tell you.


Share your experiences with them. Such actions will make them realise that they are not alone.

Try to do some activities with them of their interest. Try to teach them new things. Times are changing; help them not to feel left behind.

Be patient

Elderly people can be irritable and irritating. If we are a little patient with them and not snap at their rude behavior, it will make all the difference. Take a deep breadth as they launch into the same story for the tenth time.

And don’t be offended if they snap at you. Remember, God willing one day you’ll be old too and as they say, what goes around, comes around!
