How malaria can be eradicated in Rwanda

Editor, while mosquito nets and aggressive therapy using a concoction of various antimalarial drugs have been helpful in mitigating malaria in the country, there needs to be a long lasting solution to eradicate malaria.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Refer to Paul Ntambara’s article, "Of the askari and my mosquito net” (The New Times, November 25).

While mosquito nets and aggressive therapy using a concoction of various antimalarial drugs have been helpful in mitigating malaria in the country, there needs to be a long lasting solution to eradicate malaria.

This would involve among other things, heavily spraying malaria hotbeds with environment-friendly pesticides at a large scale like it was done in the Americas to eradicate mosquito-borne diseases, releasing infertile mosquitoes in the environment, draining adequately inhabited areas etc.

Malaria should be fought holistically and then we can see the end of it.

I also just read that the University of Rwanda will become research intensive with our new foreign administrators. I believe they should prioritise malaria research, especially research on vaccines and environment-friendly technologies to curb the disease.

Mucyo, RomeItaly