Mineduc, Mifotra should work together to track student loan defaulters

Editor, I think that Rwanda Education Board can simply sign an agreement with both public and private employers to ensure there are no defaulters employed in their organisations.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I think that Rwanda Education Board can simply sign an agreement with both public and private employers to ensure there are no defaulters employed in their organisations.

Additionally, each employer would report to the Mifotra and Mineduc. I think there is lack of commitment on both sides of employers and Students Loan Recovery Department.

Francis, Kigali


If SFAR wants to recover the loans, they should work with employers. For example, they should provide feedback to the employers so that once employees finish clearing their loans, such acknowledgements get sent to the employees.

I know an employee who several months ago finished repaying his loan but he has not yet received any communication from SFAR, which has the details of that person. Why don’t they send such information to former beneficiaries and their respective employers and thank them for their cooperation? This is an indication of lack of customer care.

Gakwaya, Kigali

Reactions to the story, "Govt closes in on student loan defaulters”, (The New Times, November 27)