MPs want more guarantees for child refugees

The plight of children born to refugee parents in the country took centre stage on Monday as MPs discussed the Refugee Bill.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The plight of children born to refugee parents in the country took centre stage on Monday as MPs discussed the Refugee Bill.The Bill was tabled in June this year  by the Minister for Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs, Seraphine Mukantabana. Emphasis was put  on  Clauses in Chapter IV: Rights and obligations of refugees, including Article 20 that talks about marriage among refugees.MPs Emmanuel Mudidi and Joseph Desire Nyandwi, said article 20 required amendment as it was ambiguous on the rights of such                                             children.Article 20 states that the marriage of a refugee shall be governed by Rwandan laws. It further states that when a refugee is married to a Rwandan, they shall keep their refugee status, unless they legally acquire Rwandan nationality.  Lawmakers sought clarity on the fate of refugee children.MP Amb. Zeno Mutimura, the chairperson of the standing committee on foreign affairs, told the House that a child born to a refugee is born as a refugee and not a Rwandan and that a refugee who gets married to a Rwandan does not automatically become Rwandan unless they follow the procedures laid down in the Constitution.Minister Mukantabana said: "A child born to a refugee should continue being a refugee and should be entitled to protection.”The minister noted that it would be appropriate to protect the child until they have matured.Commenting on the difficulties refugees go through while trying to obtain the official marriage papers from their home country, the minister told lawmakers that: "Considering the refuge experience most of us have had, I think this clause needs to be sflexible.”The House agreed to return the draft legislation to the committee for improvement.Lawmakers said there should be flexibility for refugees to obtain Rwandan nationality after marriage to Rwandans.