Rwanda Revenue Authority’s latest innovations will widen tax base

Editor, I wish to commend the good work done by Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) for collecting and accounting for taxes.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Editor,I wish to commend the good work done by Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) for collecting and accounting for taxes.The new systems such as Authorised Economic Operator will indeed help Rwandan businesses to be more competitive on the world market. It is very important for us as traders to use it.In addition, I would want to thank the tax body for introducing the Electronic Billing Machines. These are machines that are used to issue certified receipts, provide a database for taxpayer sales/stock and bring about quick information access of business dealings.That they have been introduced to all VAT registered taxpayers is a good move because, some of them had acquired these machines and buyers would only buy from those that do not have them simply because those taxpayers who want to evade taxes provide relatively low prices compared to genuine taxpayers.With these machines, we are going to have a free and fair game in the marketplace; at the same time, we are going to show our role in nation building through contributing our taxes to national coffers.Which is why plans to recognise buyers who ask for receipts is also a good move and I believe it will support of the culture of demanding receipts, because sometimes when you sell a product, the buyers just go without taking the receipt.To some traders, that presents a great opportunity to manipulate the invoice by changing the prices, but with these awards in place, everyone will be ready to request their receipts since there is a reward awaiting every invoice collected.James Buyinza, KigaliReaction to stories, "RRA to outlaw non-certified tax receipts” and "RRA to reward buyers who demand electronic receipts” (The New Times, November 25)