SA’s Rutland rides through Rwanda, heads to Uganda

South Africa’s cyclist Ron Rutland, who is on a continent-wide cycling expedition, yesterday, wound up his ten-day tour of Rwanda.

Monday, November 25, 2013
Ron Rutland was in Rwanda for 10 days and leaves on Monday, heading to Uganda. Net photo.

South Africa’s cyclist Ron Rutland, who is on a continent-wide cycling expedition, yesterday, wound up his ten-day tour of Rwanda.He followed the 2013 Tour of Rwanda, which concluded on Sunday.Rutland’s trip, according to officials, was in line with celebrating "health, vitality, mobility, adventure, life, and human spirit,” courtesy of DHL-Rwanda.En-route to Rwanda, Rutland rode through Tanzania and Burundi. He proceeded to Uganda.DHL Express Rwanda Country Manager, Julie Mutoni, said, "Ron’s trip is a result of years of reading stories of great modern and past adventures, of  ordinary people doing extraordinary things and he decided to do an adventure of his own.” She added, "In Rwanda we have welcomed him to DHL family, gave him moral support, accommodation and all the basic needs required for him to reach the next destination in Uganda.” Last week, Rutland visited the Virunga National Park where he saw the endangered mountain gorillas.Mutoni added, "We are partnering with an exceptional explorer, Ron has dedicated 2 and a half years of his life to cycling through Africa; a 43, 000-km bicycle expedition through every country on Mainland Africa.”In July, DHL-Rwanda brought former South Africa and Manchester United player, Quinton Fortune, where he spent three days in an effort promote football in the country.