Which love language do you speak?

IN LIFE, everything has a code that cracks it.  I know that most of the readers of this column are looking for that code that will help defeat fear, manage risks, overcome daily challenges, make the best choices and decisions, start/grow projects and achieve more than was achieved yesterday.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

IN LIFE, everything has a code that cracks it. 

I know that most of the readers of this column are looking for that code that will help defeat fear, manage risks, overcome daily challenges, make the best choices and decisions, start/grow projects and achieve more than was achieved yesterday.

The code that will enable one invest wisely, create wealth and live a prosperous life. 

Like I’ve been saying in my previous articles under this column, there’s no single thing one can do that can make all this happen; we need to do a series of things that add up to make this gradually happen.

In other words, we have to test each thought and if it proves to be good we act on it.

Once that action brings positive results we turn it into a habit; and after the habit has proved to be consistently positive we turn it into a life-principle that defines our behaviour.

Today, I choose to share with you an important principle that’s going to help you live a better life, win more friends and earn more money. This will make you so magnetic that people find you irresistible; whatever you say or do will attract people towards you.

I will relate it to love, which we all know very well. Pay close attention because this is an aspect that so many people ignore and take for granted to their own disadvantage.

In his book, Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman’s proves that love is a basic need and that each human being has a love language – a way in which he/she wants to be treated in order to feel loved and cared for. If your wife or husband madly loves hugs, gifts, or outings, you don’t provide them at your own peril! Let’s relate this concept of ‘love’ language to our relationship with customers, clients and other people we encounter daily. 

Public relations, i.e. customer care means speaking your customers’ ‘love’ language. If you want to attract people to your business, your projects, your products, your ideas, I advise you to find out what makes them feel special and cared for and do exactly that. 

If a customer feels honored when you complement him/her, don’t hesitate. They will pay all the money you charge without any hesitation.

Some customers feel special when you show concern for their personal problems (outside business); when you answer their questions (even if they sound foolish); when you give them your time and attention. 

For some, their ‘love’ language is gifts, so give them extra services than they have paid for. It could be just advice/guidance. Don’t ignore people who come seeking direction to their destination or looking for products that you do not offer; welcome them, with a smile. Who knows, next time they will need what you have or they will remember to recommend your products to someone and that will bring you money.

Customer service is irreplaceable because there is no project you will do that does not involve dealing with people. However, many people try to please everyone else except themselves. Yet you are your first customer. There’s nothing you cannot do without you. That’s why it’s so important to always reward yourself. I believe you’ve heard of the concept ‘Paying yourself’, which I find fascinating. It means saving.

If you work and spend all you earn then you do not love yourself. You are not offering yourself customer care; you are not speaking to yourself in your ‘love’ language. Without saving it’s hard to invest. Yet without investment, financial freedom will remain a dream forever, but never a reality. Be wise!

Bake is the MD WORLD OF INSPIRATION & Founder, AUTHORS’ FORUM – bakerobert@yahoo.com / +256-704666851