Holiday teaching: Errant schools should be reeled in

For the past few years, school going children, especially those intending to sit national examinations, have been under intense pressure – from their teachers.

Friday, November 22, 2013

For the past few years, school going children, especially those intending to sit national examinations, have been under intense pressure – from their teachers.Some schools have made it a policy to do away with school vacations in order to mint a few extra coins moonlighting under the guise of holiday coaching.But some even go a notch further; instead of helping students revise what they learnt in the term, they introduce new topics that should be taught in normal classes. In essence, it makes attending holiday school inevitable, and it is the parents who are left with the burden of coming up with the extra funds.There is nothing wrong with teachers giving extra lessons on the side to earn a bit extra during holidays, but arm-twisting parents to pay for lessons that are supposed to be covered by the conventional school fees is immoral and dishonest.It is encouraging to know that Rwanda Education Board (REB) has taken firm steps to put an end to the practice that has dragged many a parent into financial difficulties.Parents are not the only victims; students are over-worked because they do not have enough time to cool off and recharge their energies, the outcome being poor performance in school.The Ministry of Education and other education stakeholders drew up curricula taking into account the time needed for a particular subject and its practicability.Lazy teachers were not part of the deal.