Monitor private varsities more closely

Editor, the Ministry of Education (Mineduc) should vigilant, especially with regard to private universities. The primary motive of most of these institutions does not seem to be promoting education.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I wish to respond to Paul Ntambara’s article, "Bold step by Mineduc long overdue” (The New Times, November 16).

The Ministry of Education (Mineduc) should vigilant, especially with regard to private universities. The primary motive of most of these institutions does not seem to be promoting education.

Otherwise, how can a student fail and is discontinued from a public university, only to join a private one and then goes on to ‘succeed’ in the same course, sometimes passing with flying colours?

I suspect there are cases of malpractice and incompetence involved. Degrees from such private universities are nowadays referred to as "financially generated degrees or FGDs”. We might be proud of the increasing number of tertiary education institutions and the high number of graduates but are they good enough for the job marker?

Frank Kamanzi, Kigali