Women leaders elect new representatives to Council

The National Women Council (NWC) has elected two new members to its board.

Friday, November 15, 2013

The National Women Council (NWC) has elected two new members to its board.Beatrice Mukasine and Liberatha Kakuze were elected to the council executive for a five-year term during a general assembly on Thursday at Nyandungu in Kigali.Mukasine was elected as the new national coordinator for NWC, replacing Francesca Tengera, who was elected to Parliament in the September polls. Kakuze replaces Marie Josee Mukandekezi, who passed on in June, as the Council’s overseer of justice affairsSpeaking after the election, Mukasine said she had been thinking about the position over the years and God had answered her prayers.  "With my experience, I am going to make a difference in the welfare of the Rwandan women, and develop my country; there is need for sustainability and improvement in women affairs and that’s what I am going to be doing,” Mukasine said.She outlined fight against domestic violence, support to victims, and promotion of literacy among her priorities.Mukasine also promised to train women on use of family planning to limit the size of their families and reduce risks of maternal mortality. Kakuze, on her part, thanked the members for entrusting her with the mandate and promised to champion women issues, including fighting poverty, and setting up vegetable gardens.Jeanne d’Arc  Gakuba, the Senate vice president, urged women on hard work, faithfulness, health practices and use of family planning services.