RAB should help farmers more

Editor,The Rwanda Agriculture Board (Rab) ought to find a way to help local farmers increase on their production. Yes, farmers have the challenge to access financing, but also those who try to engage in business struggle to pay back the loans or get their money invested.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Editor,The Rwanda Agriculture Board (Rab) ought to find a way to help local farmers increase on their production. Yes, farmers have the challenge to access financing, but also those who try to engage in business struggle to pay back the loans or get their money invested.The truth is that while the input price goes up by the day (feed for animals, manure for crops…), the price of one litre of milk continues to hover around Rwf200 (that’s what the farmer receives) and one kilogramme of meat around Rwf1, 400!Please help farmers by putting in place measures that will help them make a living from their occupation.Célestin, RwamaganaReactions to the story, "Govt steps up initiatives to increase agric output”, (Business Times, November 12)