Why don’t people do exercise?

Dear editor, There is great need to sensitize the masses on the importance of having physical exercise as a way of preventing diabetes, as diabetes is known for not having cure.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dear editor,

There is great need to sensitize the masses on the importance of having physical exercise as a way of preventing diabetes, as diabetes is known for not having cure.

In addition, according to English saying "prevention is better than cure”.

When exercises are done, they reduce the fats and sugar contents in the body, which play big roles in promoting diabetics.

It further reduces cardio vascular dieses, kidney failure, liver diseases, which go hand in hand with diabetes, and all these, might finally lead to, dementia Alzheimer.

If people come to know the vitality of physical exercises, the risks of developing diabetes would be greatly reduced. Some people think that sports are for young people, and diabetes is for the rich.

This is a long time misconception, misguiding people on diabetes. Having periodical tests, at least once or twice a year, to ascertain whether a person is diabetes free is vital.   
