So in exchange for business you will rob me?

I don’t think there is anything I despise more than a thief. How anyone can think that is a pretty cool way to be is beyond me. I used to love walking the streets and not worry about thugs waiting to snatch my fake gold necklace off my neck. I used to love entering the house and not worry about someone jumping over the wall to steal the shoes I left outside.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I don’t think there is anything I despise more than a thief. How anyone can think that is a pretty cool way to be is beyond me. I used to love walking the streets and not worry about thugs waiting to snatch my fake gold necklace off my neck. I used to love entering the house and not worry about someone jumping over the wall to steal the shoes I left outside.Things like that. Now, people are getting out of hand. You know you are dealing with professionals when you place your bag on the counter at a fast food, walk out to make a call, come back after two minutes and there is no money in your wallet. Here’s the beauty about this story – I realised I had been robbed after I got home! Since I had some money in my pocket, I used it to pay for the food. I then entered a cab and proceeded to tell him to take me home at breakneck speed as I couldn’t wait to eat! What do I find staring at me when I open my wallet? A big fat nothing! I was actually amazed at how they got the money from the wallet and neatly put it back. I’d like to think I was wrong and that I had dropped it elsewhere but no. I’m 300 per cent sure of it. I guess you are wondering how I paid the cab. Since God loves me dearly, this was a cab I normally take. I simply told the guy I would pay him later, although he had a very suspicious look in his eyes. I entered the house too angry to even eat (that’s right, the one who couldn’t wait to get home and eat suddenly lost her appetite). Now listen carefully because you might learn a thing or two from my story. In the morning, as I searched through my bag for my phone, all I found was eye pencil and orbit wrappers and a lot of other things that clutter my bag. No phone!If I had doubts about losing my money in that place, the disappearance of my phone confirmed my fears. It was quite disappointing. This is a place I have gone to so many times and left my hard earned cash. What are they doing stealing my money and my phone? If you must, at least take one! I know it wasn’t a customer because the only other two customers other than myself were seated outside when I went to make the call, so I think you know what I’m driving at.I’m now contemplating placing glue in my bag, going back to that joint, leaving my bag at the counter with the zip open and wait for the thief to pull a move…