‘Ndi Umunyarwanda’ initiative timely

Editor, Refer to Joseph Rwagatare’s article, “Truth will set us free – Rwandans vow”, (The New Times, November 12).

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Editor, Refer to Joseph Rwagatare’s article, "Truth will set us free – Rwandans vow”, (The New Times, November 12).His explanation makes a lot of sense. This typically Rwandan effort couldn’t have come at a better time. Congratulations, Rwanda. But just wait until the haters have had the time to collect their wits and their bile to rise and the shrieks of rage will din into our ears!Somehow, I have come to measure the efficaciousness of a Rwandan effort only when these characters start howling at the moon about it and huge volumes of negative reports have been churned out to justify their sorry existence and their billionaire sponsors’ money.Mwene Kalinda, Kigali