Parliament needs to summon Education officials

Editor,I think something has to be done on the way business is conducted at the Ministry of Education. Every other day, a serious problem seems to be emerging... and the worrying thing is that they are always reactive.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Editor,I think something has to be done on the way business is conducted at the Ministry of Education. Every other day, a serious problem seems to be emerging... and the worrying thing is that they are always reactive.Look at this year alone – issues ranging from private candidates, students’ sponsorship and grading according to Ubudehe classification scheme, to admission of unqualified students to private universes! How can all these things happen in a space of just a few months? There are so many pertinent questions that need answers.I was wondering why Parliament is taking so long before summoning the concerned officials to give explanations.David, Juba, South SudanReaction to the story, "Universities quality control rule leaves 1,000 students dismissed” (The New Times, November 12)