Look at alternatives to university education

The reforms in bursaries for government sponsored students in universities which came into force this academic year (2013/2014) have drawn mixed reactions.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The reforms in bursaries for government sponsored students in universities which came into force this academic year (2013/2014) have drawn mixed reactions.Education stakeholders are grappling with the situation as they moot alternatives to university education funding.However, coming up with different schemes to fund students who do not benefit from the government bursary in public tertiary institutions is just one step in addressing a bigger problem of higher education challenges. The answer to this puzzle is making technical and vocational education and training, otherwise known as TVET, the ultimate choice of senior six and senior three leavers.While university education is good, we should not forget the ultimate purpose of going to school – acquiring skills that would help the student deliver a bright future for themselves and loved ones.Over the last few years, the government has scaled up its investment in TVET programmes and it has promised to continue this trend, with a view to making this form of education more attractive and competitive.TVET is also a top priority for development partners involved with the education sector. It’s an education system that delivers skilled labour and it holds the answer to the country’s employment problems.It is a great opportunity the Rwandan student community should grab with both hands.The problems that had afflicted technical and vocational training programmes for long are being fixed at an encouraging pace.The old stereotypes that associated technical and vocational training with failures are fast waning keeping with the global trends whereby these hands-on skills are increasingly becoming the engine of development.It is important that as stakeholders continue to look into possible alternatives for university education funding, any good proposal must be viable and sustainable.Above all, it should be for the greater good of the country.It is this newspaper’s considered opinion that the most viable solution is to make technical and vocational education and training the dream destination of our high school students.