WDA to start school of art and music

The Workforce Development Authority (WDA) has launched a countrywide talent search programme for students who will join a  new school of art and music which officials say will open doors next year.

Monday, November 11, 2013
Jerome Gasana WDA director

The Workforce Development Authority (WDA) has launched a countrywide talent search programme for students who will join a  new school of art and music which officials say will open doors next year.The school, which will be a branch of Ecole d’art de Nyundo, Rubavu District, will have an initial intake of 30 students, talented in arts and music.The government injected at least Rwf500 million in the school in order to boost music and arts industry.According to Jacques Murigande, the head of the music department, the school aims at professionalising music in the country since it will target raw talents. "We are now at the level of admission which will be done through talent searches to be conducted throughout the country. We want to take on the most promising talents,” he said on Friday.The school will also teach students how to make musical instruments like guitars and pianos, which are all currently imported. "This school will not only concentrate on music; it will also teach manufacturing of musical instruments since we have been engaged in supporting development of other art crafts makers,” said Jerome Gasana, the director of WDA. The school opens its doors in January, next year and will boast a well equipped library, the officials said.This project is part of the WDA’s  Skills Development Fund (SDF) which provides funds towards promoting Technical Vocational and Education Training (TVET) leading to rapid skill delivery.    Supported by the World Bank, SDP provides grants to support skills that match with demands of the labour market. It has so far given out $200m to over 40 institutions under the TVET programme.