Youth council in holiday education campaign

THE NATIONAL Youth Council (NYC) has launched a two-month campaign to help students spend this year’s third term holidays productively.

Monday, November 11, 2013

THE NATIONAL Youth Council (NYC) has launched a two-month campaign to help students spend this year’s third term holidays productively.The programme was launched on Friday in Rutsiro District,Western Province in an event that attracted thousands of local youth.NYC Executive Secretary Alphonse Nkuranga said that the programme seeks to encourage young boys and girls to be actively involved with the development of their families and the whole country by participating in various developmental programmes and dedicating their efforts to productive activities rather than indulging in less useful things.Activities He said the youth will be encouraged to participate in the monthly community work (Umuganda), to support the most vulnerable, participating in tree planting exercises , among other communal activities.Sports competitions, discussions on reproductive health and HIV/Aids and drug abuse, among others, will also be held throughout the country, the official said."By coming up with this initiative, we want the youth to properly use their holidays rather than wasting time in less productive activities,” Nkuranga said.Nkuranga called on the students to attend the planned activities.Philbert Uwiringiyimana, a youth representative in Parliament, told the gathering that holidays are wonderful momentswhich students should put to good use in discovering and enhancing their talents rather than indulging in destructive acts, such as drug abuse.Uwiringiyimana also urged local and church leaders, parents and other members of the community to dedicate their efforts to supporting the youth and engage them in positive activities.