Rwandans, South Sudanese share a turbulent history

Editor, Refer to the story, “Rwanda, South Sudan seek defence cooperation” (The New Times, November 8). With this development, things will be going full circle. The two countries and people have a common history. Some of us grew up with South Sudanese in the refugee camps in Uganda.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Editor,Refer to the story, "Rwanda, South Sudan seek defence cooperation” (The New Times, November 8). With this development, things will be going full circle. The two countries and people have a common history. Some of us grew up with South Sudanese in the refugee camps in Uganda.We also went to the same schools, and always shared whatever was available with our Ugandan hosts.It is, therefore, natural that we share our present achievements as well. We should continue to cooperate as we develop our countries. Long live Rwanda, long live South Sudan.Kennedy Maridadi,  Kigali