Alida- Big Fariouz in collabo

Big Farious is working on a new song with fellow Burundian upcoming artiste Alida Barayinzigiye.

Saturday, November 09, 2013
(L-R) Big Fariouz, Alida Barayinzigiye in studio with Pastor P. Saturday Times/ Sarah Kwihangana.

Big Farious is working on a new song with fellow Burundian upcoming artiste Alida Barayinzigiye.The new song titled, This Love, is a soft Ragge tune produced by Pastor P.In an interview, Barayinzigiye said the single will be released along with the video very soon."I am excited about this song. You know before any artiste releases a song, they first give it to a few people to listen to it and advise whether to put it out or not, all the people who have listened to This Love have given it a heads up,” she said.Barayinzigiye performs at Hotel Mille Collin every Saturday.Big Fariouz has been in the music business for close to 15 years and is one of the most celebrated musicians in Burundi.